I first started using the internet I think in the last year of my primary school in Nova Gorica. We were having a computer course over there and I joined in. It was very confusing at the beginning because I want to see every single bit of the internet in an hour or so.
I started using forums on the SiOL.net site, to register there I had to make my own e-mail account at Hotmail.com. After a year or so I finally realised that internet can be used not just for fun, but also for making things for school, share ideas with other people and things like this.
Two years ago I bought myself a laptop and started to visit forums at Mobisux.com and in October 2006 I also started to write my blog Mnenjeplet. When I was doing that I also made some nice pictures using application Stripgenerator - it is a lot of fun in there, really!
In January this year I met a blogger named Spela, who is making also her own blog - we liked each other and I hope to see her soon. He is in Germany at this moment, I think.
Using the internet is I think becoming more and more a-thing-to-do-every-day. On the internet you can find practically anything you want - if you don't find something special, there are people who know things or can find it for you. I like using the internet and I think it is a well based and world wide library of informations and also a huge playground and meeting place for people.
6 komentarjev:
Hi Pikec! I'm Lujan from Argentina, thanks for visit my blog :). I read your "meme", very interesting.
Keep posting!
I'll try ... ;)
Hi. I read your ''meme'' and it is very interesting. Thank you for visiting my blog. Have a nice day
Hi,pikec85: ( What is your real name?) I have read your meme and your English is pretty good! I have linked your posting to mine at: http://englishvirtualcommunity.blogspot.com
I am one of the Argentinean Writing Matrix teachers and actually we are doing pingback and trackback with our postings. Can you do that? if not ask me or your teacher Sasha.
Love from Sourth America,
Hello from Venezuela! I see you have joined us in our writingmatrix meme, be ready to get some more comments from our writingmatrix bloggers. You can read mine at www.doris3meflcenter.blogspot.com ... As Nelba did I-m adding a link to your meme so my students can read about you and let the writingmatrix blogging rolling. Thanks for participating.
Keep on shining and blogging!
nice to get so much comments ... i'm very happy and i will try to visit and have a look at your blogs ... i am writing something right now, so i can post it i think tomorow - till then, have a nice day ;)
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